CSI ETABS Ultimate 18.1.0
ETABS 17.0.0 Enhancements
General quadrilateral meshing of floor areas
User-defined internal mesh for shells
Improved merging of floor areas by removing common edges
Ability to automatically add rigid-zone areas over columns and walls
Improved DirectX Display
Analysis Modeling
New link property to represent high-damping rubber-bearing isolator
Multiple controlled displacements for static pushover analysis
Link properties can be used for line and area springs
Strain response for shell objects (walls and floors)
Option to control the slope of steep strength-drop in frame hinges
Improved convergence behavior for displacement-controlled nonlinear static load cases
Non-iterative event-to-event option for nonlinear static analysis
Increased speed and reduced storage for running and displaying results of nonlinear load cases
Performance Based Seismic Design
ASCE 41-17 auto hinges
Optional points BC and CD on hinge backbone curves
Loading Codes
- Auto-wind loading according to the ASCE 7-16 code and Korean Building Code (KBC 2016) added.
- Auto-seismic loading according to the ASCE 7-16 code, Korean Building Code (KBC 2016), Indian Standard Code (IS 1893:2016) and Turkish Seismic Code (TSC-2018) added.
- Automated response spectrum functions according to the ASCE 7-16, Korean Building Code (KBC 2016), Indian Standard (IS 1893:2016) and Turkish Seismic Code (TSC-2018) added.
International Design Codes
- AISC 360-16 composite beam design added.
- AISC 360-16 steel frame design added.
- NTC 2018 Steel Frame Design added.
- IS 456:2000 concrete frame design updated for the IS 13920:2016 seismic code.
Parallel processing has been implemented for running design (all types)
Automatic concrete column design to achieve strong-column/weak-beam connections
Implementation of AISC Design Guide (DG) 11 for composite beam design based on AISC 360, CSA S16 and Eurocode
Web penetrations for composite beam design based on AISC 360-16, AISC 36-10 and AISC 360-05 codes